Create a life path of your choice!
All Level Healing™

Create a life path of your choice!

All Level Healing ™ is an extremely simple, effective, fast, complete and easily usable treatment for intuitive development, healing and manifestation.

The basis is in the balance of material and spiritual levels. All Level Healing ™ treatment is compatible with all mind, energetic and spiritual techniques, and is intended for everyone who wants to improve the quality of life and their current psychophysical condition.

All Level Healing ™ treatment is a combination of various techniques and elements, depending on the goal that the person wants to achieve. If you want to improve your business productivity, improve family and intimate relationships, understand emotions - you are in the right place and we dedicate ourselves to you individually!
All Level Healing - The Power of Mind 1

The first All Level Healing ™ seminar covers the following techniques:

  • Relaxation Technique (Antistress meditation)
  • Visualization Technique
  • Affirmation Technique
  • Intuitive Triggers
  • Installation of an “Intuitive Study Room”
  • Reprogramming the Mind (1-10)
  • Development of Intuition
  • Intuitive-mind Body Scan

Price: 1.520,00 HRK
Duration: 1 day x 8 hours or 2 days x 4 hours

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ALH unutra s tekstom-min
All Level Healing - The Power of Mind 2

The second All Level Healing ™ seminar covers the following techniques:

  • Breathing Techniques
  • Forgiveness and Cutting Technique of Mind-energy Connections
  • Intuitive Communication
  • Body Technique™
  • Mind-energy Indicators of the Quality of Matter around us
  • Intuitive Partnerships and Relationships
  • Healing Techniques (treatments and self-treatments)
  • Working on/with Dreams

Price: 1.520,00 HRK
Duration: 1 day x 8 hours or 2 days x 4 hours


The Antistress technique is a quick and simple technique for relaxing the mind and body by introducing the mind into states of consciousness of alpha, theta and delta waves. The technique includes Visualization Technique and proper breathing exercises. The goal of this technique is to master the formula of life – living with as little stress as possible.

Every day we are under a great burden of private and business life, and at the same time exposed to noise, radiation and vibrations of the urban environment. The so-called diseases of the modern world are becoming more common; headache, fatigue, allergies, nervousness, exhaustion…

Using proven techniques, we learn how to eliminate the causes of stress in a quick, easy and more importantly, daily usable way of relaxation. After this seminar, your motivation, focus and creativity will increase, you will be more rested and relaxed, and your life will have greater meaning and beauty.

Price: 2.000,00 HRK
Duration: 1 day x 6 hours or 2 days x 3 hours

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This seminar is intended for everyone, but especially for business owners, sales representatives, managers, lecturers, human resource managers, and those who want to gain additional knowledge and skills in the field of business psychology.

Participants of this seminar will learn how to, within 30 seconds, recognize the ways of thinking and nonverbal communication of their interlocutors, their desires, fears, sincere or insincere intentions, needs, limitations, and depending on the psychoprofile of the person, establish proper communication and motivate them with intangible means of motivation.

In this way, we establish communication faster and easier, negotiate easier and achieve top business results. All knowledge and skills from this seminar are applicable in business and private environment.

Price: 1.700,00 HRK
Practical exercises: 2 hours in an informal environment
Duration: 2 days x 3 hours

Self-education and Consultation: +385 99 4478 177